go to Blogger.com
From the Dashboard page , please buddy go to Layout > Edit HTML
Then find the code <body> or < body ( with the help of press Ctrl + F or F3 )
Add the following code into the code <body> or < body before, or could also replace all haha
<body oncontextmenu='return false' onmousedown='return false' onselectstart='return false' onkeypress='return false'>
You could also use some extra code / all code .Here the meaning of the code above :oncontextmenu = ' return false ' ( to disable the mouse right click )onmousedown = " return false ' ( to shut down the block click )onselectstart = ' return false ' ( to turn off the block selection )onkeypress = " return false ' ( to turn off the keyboard keys )If so, the Save Template blog .Hoke Hoke thanks
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